
Felicia Pandolfi adjusts her fangs to play "Catherine"

Carrie Davis has a good laugh and is happy to be out of her "Ma" outfit

Felicia Pandolfi as "Catherine" relaxes between scenes next to Scott Shanks as "Jean-Claude"

Rob Merickel and Mike Hegg: Two Men Screwing

Mike Hegg as "Earl!"

Shooting at "The Club" tavern in beautiful Winlock, Washington

Warren E.B.B. as "Lendel" rehearses lines with Felicia Pandolfi as "Catherine"

Carrie Davis gets her "Ma" hair done by Rob Merickel

Robert J. Olin shows off his neck bites as "B.J." Make-up effects by Rob Merickel

Lisa Hope shows off her choppers as "Candy"

Amber as "Missy Sue" gets a few bite marks courtesy of make-up artist Rob Merickel

Mike Hegg runs sound as Joe Sherlock runs camera

Sha Bosley as "One-Eyed Lurlene" consults with Robert J. Olin and Joe Sherlock on the upcoming shot.

Dee Alsman runs lines with Lindsey Hope as "Eva"

Lisa can belch with the best of them!

Mike wonders, "Where am I?"

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