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Co-writer/director Joe Sherlock surrounded by redneck vampires! Joe Boyd helps out with the boom.
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Scott Shanks gets himself ready to play Jean-Claude in the big "sleepover" scene. Director Joe Sherlock with Carrie Davis as Ma Poissier
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Well no wonder this movie's taking so long - everyone's just sittin' around drinkin'!!! One big happy family!
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Ma is the queen of fashion! Darlene, Candy and B.J. (played by Trish, Lisa and Robert) - Bloodsucking Redneck Vampires!!!!
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Rob Merickel surrounded by his make-up handiwork Isn't Felicia just the cutest little staked vampire you ever saw?
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Lindsey as Eva, modelling her Miss Tripe Days outfit Wishful thinking: Rob really wanted to win!
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Make up your own caption. Nice calves.

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