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Trailer Park Double Wide Trilogy of Terror!!!

Available in a great, extras-packed edition from http://www.sovhorror.com

This dark horror comedy tells six tales of twisted terror (it's a "double" trilogy, get it?) introduced by a trashy trailer babe.

Can a man be more in love with his television than his wife? What lengths will she go to to get some attention?

Are a woman's nightmares really coming true or is she slipping into insanity?

A b-movie reviewer helps out on the set of a no-budget production...and things go horribly wrong!

Was a young woman really experimented on by aliens or is it all in her mind?

A horror writer looks for inspiration for his latest novel...and finds more than he bargained for!

Is the man holding a couple captive truly mad...or are there really zombies at the door?

Cast includes: Shannon, Tom Shaffer, Rachelle Belyeu, Joe Sherlock, Pam Clay, Aimee Masters, Holly Bernabe, John Bowker, Rob Merickel, Tami Whitsett, Ian Dunlap, Jack Pollock, Amira, Jeff Campbell, Sean Henderson, Nicole Russ, David C. Duncan, Micah Bernabe. Written and directed by Joe Sherlock

F&C Productions regular Shannon plays your trailer trash hostess

Is that her better side?

Rachelle does some research

Tom Shaffer, the Paul Bartel of F&C Productions


Tom provided his own bed

Rachelle provided her own outfits


Pam boozes it up...don't worry it's just apple juice

Tom nearly choked in this scene!



John Bowker acts alongside comic book artist Jack Pollock

The maniac killer strikes!

Jack acts up a storm...in front of my garage!

Any excuse to get girls in bikinis!

Like I said...

Hey! There's a cameraman in the shot!

More blood! More blood!

Damn - jack sure can be creeeepy...

Rob Merickel does his best "Joe Sherlock, Director" impression opposite John Bowker

Shannon shows a whole lotta leg!

Alien abduction scene...on my kitchen table!

Give that girl some more beer!


Holly Bernabe cleans up!

John with Ian Dunlap in a convenience store set I built in my garage!

Oh yeah, baby!


Sean and Nicole are SCARED!

Now we know why!

Sean, Nicole and Dave share a drink


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